Battista Biggio - Research Director - Full Professor

Battista Biggio_


Department of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering (DIEE)
University of Cagliari


Battista Biggio (MSc 2006, PhD 2010) is a Full Professor at the University of Cagliari, Italy, and co-founder of the cybersecurity company Pluribus One

He has provided pioneering contributions in machine-learning security, playing a leading role in this field. His seminal paper on “Poisoning Attacks against Support Vector Machines” won the prestigious 2022 ICML Test of Time Award. His work on “Wild Patterns” won the 2021 Best Paper Award and Pattern Recognition Medal from Elsevier Pattern Recognition.  

He has managed more than 10 research projects, and regularly serves as a PC member for ICML and USENIX Security, and as Area Chair for NeurIPS.

He chaired IAPR TC1 (2016-2020), co-organized S+SSPR, AISec and DLS, and served as Associate Editor for IEEE TNNLS, IEEE CIM, and Elsevier Pattern Recognition Journal (PRJ).
He is now Associate Editor-in-Chief for PRJ. He is also a senior member of IEEE and ACM, and a member of IAPR and ELLIS.

sAIfer Lab

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