Davide Anguita - Lab Director - Full Professor
Department of Informatics Bioengineering, Robotics, and System Engineering (DIBRIS)
University of Genoa
Davide Anguita (MSc - 1989, PhD - 1993) is a Full Professor of Information Processing Systems at the University of Genova, where he teaches “Data Representation and Analysis,” “Business Analytics” and “Machine Learning and Data Analysis.”
Previously, he held visiting positions at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in Palo Alto, USA, the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley, USA, and the University of Trento, Italy.
His primary research interests include the theory, methodologies, and industrial applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
He has been the principal investigator for numerous research and technology transfer projects, founded the SmartLab and the joint UniGe-Hitachi RAIDLab (Railway Artificial Intelligence and Data analytics Laboratory), co-founded three startups that operate in the field of business intelligence and data analytics, and was the principal investigator for the research agreement between the UniGe and Ferrari S.p.A. for applying intelligent data analysis to FIA Formula One World Championship (F1) auto racing.
He served on the expert committee for the 2021-2027 National Research Program of the Italian Ministry of University and Research and was President of the Center for Data, Informatics, and Telematics as well as Rector’s Delegate for Digital Transformation at the University of Genova.
Since 2023, he is the coordinator of the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in computer engineering. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.
Research interests
Active research projects