Dmitrijs Trizna - PhD student


Department of Informatics Bioengineering, Robotics, and System Engineering (DIBRIS)
University of Genoa 


Dmitrijs Trizna is a Senior Security Researcher at Microsoft Corporation, and a Doctoral Researcher at SmartLab, University of Genova.
His goal is to advance humanity's knowledge on how to properly do Cybersecurity with the help of AI and Machine Learning (at least by a tiny bit).

He has ten years of experience in commercial cybersecurity (worked in both blue and red team sides), published research at industrial security conferences like Black Hat US, DefCon (AI Village), Blue Hat India, and others, as well as on scientific venues like CAMLIS, ACM CCS AISec, and IEEE TIFS.

Dmitrijs received a set of cybersecurity and AI certifications like OSCP, SANS (GREM, GDAT), CCNA Security, and from Stanford Online, etc., and participated in cybersecurity trainings organized by NATO (Locked Shields and Crossed Swords).

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