Irene Buselli - PhD student


Department of Informatics Bioengineering, Robotics, and System Engineering (DIBRIS)
University of Genoa 


Irene Buselli was born in Genoa in 1996. She received her BSc in Statistics, Mathematics and Data Management (University of Genoa) in 2018 with a thesis on interpretable ML models in the Railway, and her MSc in Stochastics and Data Science (University of Turin) in 2020 with a thesis on ML trajectory prediction in Aviation.

She works as a Data Scientist at Zenabyte (Spin-off of University of Genoa) since 2019 and has worked on a number of European Research Projects (IN2DREAMS, DIAPASON, FARO, RADIUS, SEC-AIRSPACE) and published several scientific papers on applied research.

She is now a second-year PhD student in Cybersecurity and Reliable AI at University of Genoa, where her current work is focused on Trustworthy AI for Industry.

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