Matteo Mauri - Dissemination & Communication Manager


Department of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering (DIEE)
University of Cagliari



Department of Informatics Bioengineering, Robotics, and System Engineering (DIBRIS)
University of Genoa 


Matteo Mauri is Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Manager at the sAIfer Lab.

Sometimes copywriter, sometimes screenwriter & video-maker-editor, sometimes webmaster, other times web & graphic designer, and social media manager in the spare time, he is basically a content planner in love with science.

He graduated in Communication Sciences and Research, with honors, in April 2007 at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", then he got two masters in "Digital cultural contents" (2008) and in "Data Science and Big Data Analysis" (2020).

Matteo Mauri joined PRA Lab in April 2012, working in the science dissemination and exploitation area and in the public relations area. He has authored & co-authored 12 Scientific Publications and more than 100 popular-press and/or blog articles and book chapters.

Currently he collaborates with public and private structures and in the last 12 years he has been responsible (WP Leader) and/or actively involved in the communication and scientific dissemination of over 50 research projects led by public and private research and excellence structures and centers; among these, more than 25 were/are European projects, financed by the FP7, HORIZON 2020, HORIZON EUROPE, LIFE, ENI CBC MED, Interreg-Maritime programs, in several research fields. 

Playing several roles, from Communication Management and Exploitation of scientific results, to Project Management, according to the project needs, he has been involved in these disciplinary sectors, addressed supporting the research activities: security of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning systems, Artificial Intelligence for Healthtech, Cybersecurity, Biometrics, Smart Logistics and design of advanced driving simulators, Smart Video Surveillance, Paediatrics, Psychiatry and Psychology, with main focus on adolescent psychopathology, and on Depression and Post-partum Depression, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and anticancer research, Metabolomics with main focus on studies concerning Obesity and weight gain, Gut Microbiota, and on Maternal milk relating to environmental pollution and Endocrine disruptors.






sAIfer Lab

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Via Marengo, 3 - 09123, Cagliari - Italy

Via Opera Pia 11A, 16145, Genoa - Italy
