Roberto Casula - Assistant Professor (RTDa)


Department of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering (DIEE)
University of Cagliari


Roberto Casula graduated in Electronic Engineering from the University of Cagliari in September 2015.
He then obtained a master’s degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Cagliari in February 2019 with a grade of 110/110, discussing the thesis entitled “Statistical approach for Fingerprint Liveness Detection oriented to mobile devices“.

Since November 2015 he has been collaborating with the PRA Lab in the field of fingerprint spoofing and fingerprint liveness detection. In November 2019 started a PhD at the PRALab.

He has participated in the last four editions of Liveness Detection Competition first as a staff member (2017 and 2019), and then as organizer for the last two editions (2021 and 2023) dealing with the choice of sensors, materials and volunteer acquisitions, and following the creation and acquisition of spoofs.
In July 2023 he discussed his PhD thesis entitled “The Art of Fingerprint Spoofing“.

sAIfer Lab

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