Silvia Lucia Sanna - PhD student
Silvia Sanna received her BSc in Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering in 2019 with a Thesis on Brain Computer Interfaces.
In 2022 she received her MSc in Computer Engineering, Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence with a thesis on Vulnerability Detection on Android Native Code, thanks to which she received third place for the 'Ingenio al Femminile' degree award.
From 2020 she plays CTF (Capture The Flag, cybersecurity competitions) with Srdnlen group, in the forensics team. She is tutor at the University of Cagliari for the CyberChallenge program. From 2020 to 2022 she had different research grants about image analysis.
Since Novembre 2022 she is a PhD Student with the National PhD in Artificial Intelligence for Security and Cybersecurity.
Her main research is focused on vulnerability and threat detection in mobile OS (Android) using AI and Digital Forensics.
Since September 2023 she is also a private Digital Forensics consultant with also the enrollment in the Register of Engineers of the Order of Cagliari.
Research interests
Active research projects