Srishti Gupta - PhD student


Department of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering (DIEE)
University of Cagliari


Srishti Gupta is a doctoral student, enrolled in the Italian National Doctorate on Artificial Intelligence run by Sapienza University of Rome in collaboration with University of Cagliari in Italy.
Currently she is a visiting student at CISPA-Helmholtz Center for Information Security. Prior to that, she was working as a Software Engineer for JP Morgan Chase Securities in New York in the Digital Investment Banking sector.

She received her Master’s in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2021 from University of Arizona, US. She discussed her thesis entitled “Impact of Adversarial Attacks on Information-Theoretic based Feature Selection methods”. She was also a committee board member for the Graduate and Professional Student Council.
She worked as Network Engineer in National Institute of Information Technology (NIIT) Ltd in 2018 in Gurgaon, India.

She received her Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering in 2017 from Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering, Delhi, India.

Her research interests include Adversarial Machine Learning (ML), explainable and trustworthy AI and ML security. She enjoys traveling, hiking, knowing languages and learning something new every day.

sAIfer Lab

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